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Recall F1 Evo e F1 Evo Wmn

SCARPA® recalls F1 Evo and F1 Evo WMN from the market

SCARPA® decided to recall F1 Evo and F1 Evo WMN from the market.
Our manufacturing activity, established almost 80 years ago, is based on responsibility for what we create. We always focus our attention on our main goal: to satisfy our end users.

We decided to recall the products F1 EVO and F1 EVO WMN in order to make further tests on the innovations of these products because the boots may accidentally change from SKI to WALK mode during the ski phase.
These dynamics are beyond our direct responsibility therefore we decided to recall the product for now. The products must be returned to the point of purchase.

The trust of our customers is our trademark.

For any further question please write to



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