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SCARPA®’s special Mojito edition for support the Nepal

For an Outdoor Company like SCARPA®, Nepal is a magical place, evokes mountaineering, high altitude and adventure. It’s a part of the DNA of the 80 years old Company, so it’s clear that SCARPA® decides to give his contribution to the Nepal reconstruction after the earthquake.

“This is a land that remains in our heart, beyond being a destination to take long trekking and alpine expeditions. In SCARPA’s history, Kathmandu and Nepal have been a crossroads of stories, meetings, friendships, emotions that words can’t describe properly. For this reason we thought about a special project to help the populations hit by the earthquake; something that could link SCARPA® to the “for Nepal” project in a clear and lasting way.”

Sandro Parisotto, CEO SCARPA® spa


This is how the “Mojito for Nepal” was born, a shoe produced in a limited edition, for which SCARPA® commits itself to help one or more associations working on the territory.
Our contribution will support the Associazione Giuliano Del Marchi per il Nepal ONLUS




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