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First leg of ISMF World Cup 2015 at Puy Saint Vincent, France

Puy Saint Vincent (France ) . The waiting for the 2015 skimo season is over. The ISMF World Cup 2015 has started in the best way: many athletes and a very high level of competitions.

The selective race with an altitude gain of 1780 metres over six uphill slopes and two stretches to run with the skis in the backpacks. The winner was Anthon Palzer for the men and Laetizia Roux for the women. Good results for Matteo Eydallin (4th), Martin Anthamatten (5th), Robert Antonioli (6th) and Valentin Favre (7th).  
A great results for Axelle Mollaret, second overall and first in the Espoir Women; third Jennifer Fiechter. A good 7th  place for Katia Tomatis.

In the Juniores category, the strongest was Davide Magnini (Team SCARPA®), Nicolò Canclini (5th). An amazing victory for our Giulia Compagnoni, Alba De Silvestro and Sophie Mollard completed the women’s podium.

For the Spint Race the strongest on the first leg was Robert Antonioli (Team SCARPA®)for the Senior; while for the Espoir the winner was Anton Palzer and Simon Bellabouvier for the Junior.
In the female Race again Laetitia Roux in the Seniores category, Axelle Mollaret (Team SCARPA® ) in the Espoir and Giulia Compagnoni (Team SCARPA® ) in the Junior race.

@Picture by Riccardo Selvatico 




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