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IFSC Climbing World Cup Briancon

Gautier Supper wins, second place for Jessic Pilz

The IFSC Lead World Cup Series stopped in Briançon, France, for the first 2015 solo Lead competition this July 17-18, 2015. Despite a few rain showers prior to the Semi-Finals and Finals, the athletes managed to put on a great show in a truly electric atmosphere!

In the women’s competition, Jain Kim (KOR) secured gold after scoring a solid 47+. Jessica Pilz (AUT/Team SCARPA) scored the same result, and Jain Kim won thanks to her dominating performance in the Semi-Finals, where she was the only competitor to top the Female route. Anak Verhoeven (BEL) came 3rd.

In the men’s category, Finals were close until the last finalist, Gautier Supper (FRA/ Team SCARPA), stole the show in front of a mad crowd. He took gold with a strong margin, scoring a 49+ high above the screaming Briançon crowd. Japanese all-rounder Minoru Nakano came second with a 43+, and Austrian powerhouse Jakob Schubert took bronze with a 42+.



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