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François Cazzanelli and Marco Camandona’s Everest 2018 expedition is ready to depart

The aim of the expedition is to reach the summit of Everest via the south face, then climb Lhotse without the aid of oxygen

Today sees the departure of the Everest & Lhotse Expedition 2018 led by François Cazzanelli and Marco Camandona

Francois and Marco will set out for the Himalayan range, their destination Kathmandu in Nepal.

They’ll then travel to Base Camp, having trekked through valleys and over awe-inspiring glaciers. Their intention is then to carry out two separate climbs, first Everest with their clients and then Lhotse for the two expedition leaders. The ultimate goal is the summit of Everest, after a suitable period of acclimatisation. The second goal is to climb Lhotse - 8516 metres - without the aid of oxygen.



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