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SCARPA's commitment for transparency

Acting with a high level of integrity in all its activities, in respect of applicable laws and the Code of Ethics, SCARPA has created an internal channel for the reporting of illicit actions pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 24/2023 - Whistleblowing.

Reports may be submitted, also in anonymous form, by different types of subjects, including: employees, suppliers, distributors and other stakeholders. Such reports will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and ensuring that there will be no retaliation against the persons making the contribution.


What are you free to report and how

If you are aware of violations of EU or national acts, e.g. in the fields of public procurement, services, financial products and markets and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, product safety and compliance, transport safety, environmental protection, etc., you can report them via the following link


Whistleblowing Policy 

At this link you can view and download the entire policy


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